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aptana subversion

Posted by clent On 3/11/2009 04:00:00 PM

I’ve recently been doing a lot of development of Flex and AIR applications, using Adobe’s Flex Builder IDE. For right now, I’ve been downloading the beta builds of Flex Builder 3, and we’re using it for several development projects.

Flex Builder 3 is based on the Eclipse IDE, and the beta comes as a complete bundle of Eclipse and the Flex Builder plug-ins. One of the things that has bothered me recently is that, although Eclipse includes Concurrent Versions System (CVS) support in the humble package, there is no included support for Subversion (SVN). Both CVS and SVN are popular systems for groups of developers to keep track of source code of their projects. CVS has been around for decades, SVN is a newer resolution with a lot of valuable enhancements. Luckily, there is an Eclipse power to add SVN capabilities … it’s called Subclipse.

If you visit the Subclipse website, you’ll see they hit a great page that walks finished the steps for installing Subclipse … eliminate that in many cases - and ALL of mine - it simply does not work. The installation they outline makes a huge, gross assumption … that you hit installed the Java development libraries and tools. I haven’t.

I ended up searching around on Google, and found the answer! And it works great! It turns out that Adobe has had this reported to them as a bug … and I hit to agree that they ought to be bundling SVN support in Flex Builder 3! In the mean time, you crapper feature finished the Flex Builder 3 / SVN bug report … and the specific comment that outlines the resolution … or you crapper study the manual below:

  1. Go to the menu: Help -> Software updates -> Find and install.
  2. Select search for new features to install.
  3. Check the Europa discovery site and the SubEclipse update site.
  4. NOTE: add the Subclipse site via ‘New Remote Site’ if it isn’t present
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Check Subclipse.
  7. Under the Europa discovery site open “Java Development” and check “Eclipse Java Development Tools”. This is the key component that you need!
  8. Click Next and complete the wizard.
another way is! .....

Using the Update Manager

Installing Non-Aptana Plugins on Eclipse 3.2

  1. From the Help menu, select Software Updates -> Find and Install... to open an Install/Update pop-up window.
  2. On the Install/Update pop-up window, choose the Search for new features to install option, and click the Next button.
  3. Set up a new remote site to scan for updates.
    1. Click the New Remote Site... button to open a New Update Site pop-up window.
    2. On the New Update Site pop-up window, type the name of the new plug-in in the site Name text box.
    3. In the URL text box, type the URL for the update site. This URL should be listed on the web site or home page for the plug-in.
    4. Click OK.
    5. Click the Finish button to open an Updates window.
  4. On the Updates window, check the box next to the name of the plug-in, and click the Next button.
  5. Choose the option to accept the terms of the license agreement, and click the Next button.
  6. Click the Finish button.
  7. Click the Install All button.

Installing Non-Aptana Plugins on Eclipse 3.4+

  1. From the Help menu, select Software Updates...
  2. Select the Available Software tab.
  3. Click the Add Site... button.
  4. In the URL text box, type the URL for the update site. This URL should be listed on the web site or home page for the plug-in.
  5. Click the OK button
  6. Confirm that the new site is selected.
  7. Click the enable Install button.
  8. Click the Install All button.

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